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teTeX and Hebrew?

The following message is a courtesy copy of an article
that has been posted as well.


I saw some recent posts on teTeX and Hebrew in several mailing lists
and newsgroups (debian-user, comp.text.tex, tetex).  I would welcome
the idea of having an easy option to typeset Hebrew in teTeX.  Well,
consider this:

a) teTeX seems to be the default TeX distribution for the most popular
   Linux distributions (Debian, Red Hat, Slackware).  And I am almost
   sure that Linux is the most popular platform for teTeX's world,

Now, if one uses Linux with teTeX and wants to typeset in Hebrew, one
has in principle two possibilities:

b) one can do some (not so obvious) recompiling to make teTeX aware of
   TeX--XeT capabilities.  This is not very attractive, and it
   reminds me of reinventing the wheel, since the people need to
   repeat this step worldwide.  I think that a complete TeX
   distribution should have these TeX--XeT capabilities included as an
   option, shouldn't it?

c) one can use for example the NTeX distribution instead of teTeX,
   where TeX--XeT and Hebrew is fully supported out of the box.  But
   this is not very attractive, too, due to the item cited under a)

Is it possible to "release" some TeX--XeT support for teTeX, at least
to make the item cited under b) more straightforward?  Will teTeX
support TeX--XeT some day in the future?  Or, is moving to NTeX a
better solution?  What is your experience?

Best wishes

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