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Re: Urgent!!!

Hello Leslie,

First of all, (as a Chinese myself), I would like to remind you that
re-posting the same few messages many times to many people doesn't work.
Don't be so impatient, it takes time for people to sit down, read and
reply to your e-mail, and it often take up to a few days before anyone
can reply your message.

Posting the same messages numerous time not only gets people's attention;
it also annoys people.  It is the best way to turn people away.  Please
observe proper "netiquette" next time you post.

Also, please try to limit your message to less than 80-characters per
line.  (Check your mail reader/composer's setting.)

I am no expert, so I can't help very much.  But read on anyways...

On Sun, 21 Sep 1997, Leslie Chan wrote:

> Dear sir/madam,
>       I have already downloaded and installed Debian Linux. I have some
> trouble when setting up my Linux. 
>       I have a trouble on setting up my CD-ROM. My CD-ROM is a
> ATAPI/E-IDE CD-ROM. When I select to install driver, my systems ask for: 
>      [ENTER COMMAND-LINE Arguments                                    ] 
>      [                                                                ]
>      [Please enter any command-line argument for the aztcd module	]

> Can you please tell me what to enter for the "command-line argument.

Nothing.  You have chosen the wrong option.  You have an ATAPI/EIDE 
CD-ROM, not an Aztech CD-ROM.

> Another problem is when every time I start Linux, it will stop for a
> long time (around 15-20 minutes) at : 
>      [While configuring BusLogic Host Adapter at I/O Address 0x230:	]
>      [							            	]
>      [HOST ADAPTER STATUS REGISTER = 06   		         	]
>      [HOST ADAPTER ERROR CODE = 76			         	]

> Can you please tell me what is "Host Adapter" and what I have to do to
> solve this problem?

Sorry, I have no idea.  Did you install the BusLogic Host Adaptor driver
by mistake?  Or do you have the BusLogic adaptor in your computer?  (I'm
not sure what it is, but I guess it is either an Ethernet card or a SCSI
card.  (I might be wrong).

> Beside, can you please tell me what should I start with my Linux. Where
> should I start to learn? How to setup printer driver,modem driver,
> Internet connection and etc. Where can I get info for Linux command such
> as change drive, dir/w and etc? Should I install X-Windows? Why Unix and
> Linux is Hacker's prefferred O/S?  Your help will be appreciate. Thank
> you

I consider you look for a Linux user's guide on the Internet, or buy a
book about Linux for these questions.  There are lots of excellent user
guides, FAQ's etc. on the Internet.  Otherwise, a book on Linux will help
you get started.

Go to http://www.debian.org/ and go to both "Documentation" and "Related
Links".  I'm sure you'll find something to get started.

Hope this helps.


Anthony Fok Tung-Ling            foka@gpu.srv.ualberta.ca
Civil Engineering                http://www.ualberta.ca/~foka/
University of Alberta, Canada    Keep smiling!  *^_^*

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