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Disk spindown: what is the best setting for 'update'?

While trying to achive a spindown of the disk on my laptop (with 1.3.1
installed) I noted that the disk was accessed every 5 seconds.  This
turned out to be due to the 'update' process, which flushes the
filesystem buffers periodically.  The "solution" to this problem was
to increase the interval from 5 seconds to several minutes.

Given that I want to extend the interval to 10 or more minutes, I'd
like to whether this is best done with '-f <secs>' (which sets the
interval for the "default" method for flushing) or '-S -s <secs>',
which uses 'sync' calls to flush the buffers.  The first method is
preferred according to man page, but in my case the interval is quite
a bit larger than the 5 second default.

[A point to note for people who want to achive the same effect is that
on my machine, a Toshiba SP430CDS, the spindown setting is not
retained after an apm "suspend" operation.  I hacked apmd to call
/etc/rc.boot/hdparm so that those parameters are again set when a
resume is received.]

Olaf Weber

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