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sfio anyone?

I was thinking about jumping into the role of package maintainer...

I just compiled a new version of perl (5.004_03) on my Sparc 10 last week,
and noticed that there's support in Perl for what's known as the PerlIO
abstraction layer.  It lets you plug in IO mechanisms other than stdio,
and the default is AT&T's sfio (Safe, Fast I/O).

Would there be any interest in packaging up sfio's assorted libs
(libstdio and libsfio) in shared and static form, and the headers?

If so, where does one find a HOWTO for building a debian package?

Jason Costomiris <><		| "VMS is about as secure as a poodle 
jcostom@sjis.com		|  encased in a block of lucite....
http://www.jasons.org/~jcostom/	|  .... about as useful, too."
#include <disclaimer.h>		|	   --some guy I read on Usenet

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