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Re: Debian print server

I just happen to be working on a similar problem tonight.  One thing that
appears to be needed is to stop and restart lpd (a kill -HUP does not do the
trick!) by going into /etc/init.d and issuing a 

/lpd stop

then a 

/lpd start

and changes to your /etc/printcap should then take effect.

I have not needed the -l 515 for my lpd ... it seems to listen to the proper
port by default and my lpd manpage tells me that -l is for logging.

You might need to do the stop/start on BOTH machines so that all changes are
read correctly.

On 17-Sep-97 Bruce Perens wrote:
>As far as I can tell, the lpd on my system isn't listening on TCP socket
>515, which is what I would expect it to listen to from looking at
>/etc/services. It's only listening to /dev/printer, if you give it the
>"-l 515" argumnent when it starts, it'll listen. Someone more familiar
>with the program will have to say if this is a bug or not.
>       Bruce
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>Bruce Perens K6BP   bruce@debian.org   NEW PHONE NUMBER: 510-620-3502
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