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Re: procmailrc help

On Sat, 13 Sep 1997, Paul Miller wrote:

> Here's what I want to do:
> 1) mail addressed to me goes into the inbox (even from mailing lists)
> 2) mailing lists are separated (already working)
> 3) remaining messages go into a junk folder
> any ideas?

Sure.  This is what I do, except for the junk part, which I've been meaning
to add for a while and just did.  I notice most spam has bogus or useless
To: lines, so that makes filtering that nasty stuff all the easier.

Here's an abbreviated version of my .procmailrc:

--- SNIP ---
MAILDIR=$HOME/mail         # you'd better make sure it exists
# DEFAULT=$MAILDIR/default # completely optional
LOGFILE=$MAILDIR/logfile   # recommended

# Use the Sender: (or Resent-Sender:) line if it exists, b/c that way we
# don't have to worry about messages cc'ed to me personally when I also
# belong to the list

* ^Sender: JS Bach and other Early and Baroque Music List <BACH-LIST@LISTSERV.UH.EDU>.*

* ^Resent-Sender: debian-announce-request.*

* ^Resent-Sender: debian-changes-request.*

* ^Resent-Sender: debian-devel-request.*

* ^Resent-Sender: debian-user-request.*

# NASANews only comes from one address, so this is easy
* ^From: NASANews@hq.nasa.gov.*

* !^To: .*branden.*
--- SNIP ---

Explanation: since I use the recommended .forward:

"|IFS=' ' && exec /usr/bin/procmail -f- || exit 75 #branden"

Anything not processed by the .procmailrc stays in the inbox.  This is what
we want.  All the mailing list stuff is sorted out -- if you want for
some reason to collapse all your mailing lists into one box, I think you
can just pile all those asterisk lines into one recipe and dump them to
"mailing-list" or something.

Note the last line.  I'm liberal with the "To:" field because I get mail
forwarded to the home box from all kinds of places.  The ! in front of it
just says "not".

There you go.

G. Branden Robinson                 |   "I came, I saw, she conquered."  The
Purdue University                   |   original Latin seems to have been
branden@purdue.edu                  |   garbled.
http://www.ecn.purdue.edu/~branden/ |   -- Robert Heinlein

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