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bug ?: Disappearing DOS partitions

	My disk has one primary Dos partition and an extended partition 
with two logical disks on it.  To my dismay I have discovered that they 
are no longer visible from both DOS and Win 3.x.

	I invoked DOS fdisk and they were indeed not reported on the 
partition table.  However, booting to Debian and using Linux fdisk, there 
they are, healthy as ever.  I could even mount them to my Linux file 
system and peruse to my little hearts content.

	Any ideas as to what gremlins have attacked my machines ?  The 
only thing unusual I can think of happening between the last time  I 
accessed these logical drives from DOS and their apparent disappearance 
is the gzipping of a large file to the e: drive from Linux.

	Any way to get these two logical partitions back onto the DOS 
table without wiping out the info that is still there according to Linux ?

	Thanks for the help.

	Gerald Crimp

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