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Re: Setting X mouse responsiveness

Brian White writes:
>How can I adjust the responsiveness of the mouse under X?  Right now I
>almost have to move the mouse half way across the room to cross the
>screen?  It's a PS/2 mouse.
>I've adjusted (lowered) the resposiveness under GPM.  Could that be affecting
>things in X?  X is accessing the mouse directly, not via the GPM repeater.

I have a similar problem. I am using the gpm repeater(/dev/gpmdata)
to pass the input of two pointers, a keypad pointer(/dev/ttyS0) and a
mouse(/dev/psaux) to gpm and X.  The pointer is more responsive so I
have lowered it with gpm and that works find under the tty's.

gpm -m /dev/psaux -t ps2 -M -m /dev/ttyS0 -t ms -r 2

However X does not seem to pay attention to what gpm has set for the
pointer responsiveness so the cursor is super sensitive with the
pointer and normal with the mouse.

# XF86Config pointer section
Section "Pointer"
    Protocol "MouseSystems"
    Device      "/dev/gpmdata"
    Emulate3Timeout    50

Any suggestions on how to set the separate responsiveness under X?
I have looked at the XInput options for XFree but they only allow 
one or the other and not both simultaneously.

Mechanical Engineering				    servis@purdue.edu
Purdue University		    http://www.ecn.purdue.edu/~servis

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