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Where can I find gs-aladdin 5.03?

Hello everyone,
	I'm a newbie to Debian. I hope everyone can forgive my rudeness.
I uses my printer a lot. I used aps-filter + gs-aladdin 5.03 in my slackware
times. I now uses Debian instead. I used dselect and painlessly installed 
aps-filter, but I can't find gs-alddin. The only "gs" on the CD doesn't have
the driver of my printer. I wonder where can I get the debian package of
gs-aladdin 5.03? I've already tired of making packages myself...:~~

Jack Chung
Not using M$-software is a struggle for most people.
But it is definitly a GOOD achievement for all of us!!
                                    -- Quoted from "My Journey to Linux"

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