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Thanks for the help I'm able connect now just by using 'pon' after reading
the README.debian in usr/doc/ppp.

But I'm still puzzled by devices for starter when I boot up Linux I get
the message:
	/dev/ttyS0 at 0x03f8 (irq=4) is a 16550A
	/dev/ttyS1 at ?x???? (irq=3) is a 16550A
I believe 16550A is a type of modem right?  But a couple of lines after
this messages comes:
	Starting mouse interface server: gpm -m /dev/ttySO -t bare
I have a PS/2 mouse how come it needs a serial driver? Are PS/2
devices and serial devices the same (My mouse works fine). And if
/dev/ttyS0 is a modem why is the mouse using this device?  Can someone
make any sense of these?


P.S. Can you recommend a good book on writing bash shell scripts.

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