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(fwd) [IXA Outage Alert] InterNIC fell off the 'net

From our upstream provider here in Seattle

On Wed, 27 Aug 1997 16:53:47 -0700 (PDT), Ryan Smith-Roberts
<rsr@ixa.net> wrote:

>Just to make sure everyone knows it's official, recognized, and that
>there is, unfortunately, nothing we can do about it, this outage message
>is just to notify you that the InterNIC appears to have fallen off the
>Internet.  None of UUnet, MCI, Sprint, or CERFnet have InterNIC routes.
>Ryan Smith-Roberts, network geek, IXA | Internet "BIG". US Government "little".
><rsr@ixa.net> 206.622.7337 p 978.5204 |           - Paul Vixie in NANOG
>This message is from the outage@ixa.net mailing list.  To unsubscribe
>send mail to majordomo@ixa.net with a message body of 'unsubscribe outage'

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