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Re: upgrade path

>>>>> "Joost" == Joost Kooij <joost@kooij.com> writes:

[Snip: there are problems upgrading direct from 1.1 to 1.3]

Joost> If you or others can shed some light on what goes wrong, I will
Joost> look into that. I have an Infomagic 1.1.something cd (september
Joost> 96) and a 1.3.0 "oficial" cd.

I did this upgrade just a few weeks ago (waited for the machine's
primary user to go on holiday), and there certainly were some
problems. I will now try to remember as many of them as I can (I
thought this stuff was all ancient history, so I didn't think to make
any notes :-).

I wanted to use dselect to do an upgrade direct from an ftp mirror

The first problem was that dpkg got stuck on the file of available
packages. I think it didn't like the format of the version numbers of
some packages. (As an aside, is this because dselect begins by
downloading the new list of available packages? And the new format is
different to that in 1.1?) This meant that dpkg would not run at all
(at least as far as my limited understanding of its options goes),
either from dselect or from the command line.

So, I downloaded the .debs for dpkg and its dependencies (libc, perl
and some other libraries). And I hand edited the "available" file,
removing the descriptions of packages that the old dpkg complained
about. I was then able to upgrade dpkg using the old dpkg from the
command line.

>From then on things were relatively easy - a normal dselect/ftp

Sorry this is a bit vague, but hopefully it is of some help.


  Gilbert Laycock                 email:          gtl1@mcs.le.ac.uk
  Maths and Computer Science,     http://www.mcs.le.ac.uk/~glaycock
  Leicester University            phone:         (+44) 116 252 3902

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