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Re: incorporation

At 01:28 PM 8/22/97 CDT, you wrote:
>jan vroonhof wrote,

>> Just wondering: If that was a concern wouldn't have been better to
>> have incorperated in a country where the legal climate is less
>> aggressive?
>I don't think it would have helped.  They would still have the underlying 
>individual liability, whether there was a foreign corporation or not.  And
>they're still most likely to be sued in their own country, wherever it may be. 
> I know very little about civil code/roman/napoleanic law (and nothing about 
>the types other than this and Common Law), but I doubt that it would provide 
>absolution for one's own action due to the existence of a corporation.

There is another fundamental problem. Suppose you live and work in Chicago,
and you incorporate in Pago, Pago. If you continue to conduct your business
in Chicago, you are subject to jurisdiction there, since whether you are a
corporation, a sole proprietorship, a partnership, etc., your principal
place of business is a place where the court can exercise jurisdiction over you.

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