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Re: adduser and user names containing 8 bits chars

On Thu, 21 Aug 1997 20:52:34 +0200, Laurent Bonnaud <bonnaud@irisa.fr>

>i'm using the latest adduser package from bo-updates and i found that
>it does not accept user names containing 8 bits chars.  I'm talking
>about a user's full name (first name + family name), not short name
>(login name or home directory name).  I don't know if such names are
>supposed to be valid, so i'm asking here before reporting it as a bug.
>However such names are very frequent in some countries including
>France.  Moreover other programs reading /etc/passwd (for instance
>finger) support 8 bits chars, once the file is edited.

As an additional note, ithe initial installation routine gets confused
if you try 8 bit characters in your first user name. The account gets
created, yet it looks as if it isn't. I think adduser should really
support this. Not being able to cope with characters that are pretty
common in Europe is not a sign of a modern operating system.

	Falk H|ffner (with dots above the "u"...)

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