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Re: Anarchy! Yes, Anarchy!

>>"Dave" == Dave Cinege <dcinege@psychosis.com> writes:

Dave> Bull. It puts other at odds with the 'officials' in the
Dave> project. There is no reason someone couldn't have come up with
Dave> this 'stable' release CD on their own. There is no reseason
Dave> Bruce could not have done it, and offered it in his personal
Dave> capacity.

	Bruce is not offering an Official CD. Debian is. Is that so
 hard to understand? 

Dave> If you buy a CD that says 1.3 on it you can't be sure what
Dave> you're getting. Was that the 1.3 that had a bug with XX peice of
Dave> hardware and couldn't install. Hiding things from the users is
Dave> typical Microsoft, large company, marketing *tatics* They don't
Dave> care if it runs, just that you buy the product. That's not
Dave> right. Certainly not for a (supposedly) free software project.

	When we say version X, we mean version X -- the intent is
 never to have a versioned release be mutable. Yes, we made a
 mistake. If you think it damns us forever, Redhat makes a fine
 distribution. Hope you have better luck with it.

Dave> Listen, getting CD's out is a good thing. But:

Dave> A) It is not right for Debian Inc, to have an official part in
Dave> it.

	In you opinion.

Dave> B) The distribution should not change to suite the needs of
Dave> cookie cutters.

	I dn't see why not, as long as it retains the technical
 qualities. After all, CD retailers are Debian users too, just like
 anyone on this list. I have no interest in discriminating against any
 group of users.


 "There is no law that vulgarity and literary excellence cannot
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Manoj Srivastava               <url:mailto:srivasta@acm.org>
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