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Re: A little consideration, please?

> I am driving about 100 (non-deductable) miles each way and am giving up
> one of my vacation days for this, just as I am giving up vacation days
> to speak at the IN Conference in Germany. I gave up vacation days to speak
> at Linux Expo, too.

I think you should give up vacation days to go to Germany, you dog :).
Ein Prosit!, Ein Prosit!, gemuelicht ...

> There is a limited time in which I can continue to put in this much work
> for Debian. Eventually, we'll decide to have a baby, and I will probably
> be too busy to be project leader. 

As the proud owner of two babies I can assure you that they take a LOT of 
time.  I gave up golf for mine!  Now I'm having to learn about soccer!?!
[U.S.A. joke]

Thanks a lot for all of your effort.  I've been a software engineer for 
nigh on 15 yrs. now and still have a hard time believing that Linux even
exists.	 The fact that such an international, grassroots effort has resulted
in such a fantastic set of software (all the Linux distributions) makes me
think that maybe there is hope for homo sapiens after all.  

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