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what versions change

Dave C. quoting various people.

>Not true! 1.3.1 is a fixed object, available as an "Official" image. It
>hasn't changed since its release, and, to the best of my knowledge, will
>not ever change.

He's talking about the 1.3.1 Official CD ISO image, which has indeed not
changed since I made it, and which has a published checksum.

> The next version of the system will be called "Debian 1.3.1 Revision 1".

1.3.1 Revision 1 will definitely be on the FTP site. I may, or may
not, make a 1.3.1 Revision 1 Official CD master, depending on the
severity of the bugs fixed by the update. I expect the FTP site will
be updated much more frequently than the Official CD. That might make
the CD-R vendors happy.

I think that German bookstore sold so many silver Debian CDs because
they were convenient. Right there on the shelf, pick it up, no mail
order, take it home and plug it in, instant gratification. I think the
people who go for that are different from those who go for Paul Wade's
CD-R. I have to act in their interest as well as yours.


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Bruce Perens K6BP   bruce@debian.org   510-215-3502

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