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Re: Linux kernel 2.0.31????

> I have been just WAINTING for someone to bring this up.  In my personal
> opinion, Linus is making a mistake by introducing new features in the
> release tree and it results in having two development trees going at the
> same time.  Somehow the old way of releasing bug-fixes only in the stable
> tree has changed to introducing features from the develpment tree into the
> stable tree. This results in things breaking and a lot of effort spent on
> fixes that might in turn break something else, etc.

Which new features are you talking about?  Be sure not to confuse
increased support for some devices with adding new features.  I remember
before 1.2.13 came out how everyone rushed around to get support for the
Adaptec aic7xxx series of boards, and having to apply a patch to get my
board to be recognized, let alone acknowledged as being stable..  We don't
want that to happen again..

> From my reading of the kernel developers list, .31 has become like
> squeezing a water balloon. As of last night I was reading about bugs in
> pre.31-7 but Linus has made noises about freezing .31 and going to .32 if
> need be because they HAVE to get fixes out for .30 which is pretty poor
> when it comes to virtual memory management.

They are now actively persuing development of .30.  It seemed for a while
work on the 2.0 series had stopped.  Linus planned to release 2.0.31 last
weekend, if there were no more problems..  Well, it hasn't been released


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