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Re: disk activities on a notebook..

Lukas Eppler <debian@fear.ch> writes:

> I found out what my problem was here: xntpd, and the
> always-said-to-be-sleeping apache :-) these two do do a regular access to
> the disk, even if there is no connection and no network ... is this a bug?
> The solution leaded into a new problem: I _do_ want to spin down my hd
> when not used, but now, my bios sets the laptop to sleep, which makes it
> inacessible from outside. Did somebody have the same problem, and solved
> it?

Some BIOS have the ability to configure so called wake-up events.  For
example, if your network card has assigned IRQ 10 you could tell the
BIOS it should wake up when a device requests an interrupt on line 10.
The same should work for all devices that uses an ISA IRQ.  Don't know
about PCI IRQ, but I assume they need to be mapped to ISA IRQ to be
used by software.  I never tried this, but it should work.


"What a depressingly stupid machine"
                              The Restaurant at the End of the Universe
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