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Xquake gives segmentation fault


I just installed Debian 1.3.1 from Cheapbytes CD on
a new computer (it's a Pentium 200MMX) and everything 
works fine. I installed xquake from debian-mirror 
(not that I relly want to have quake on this computer,
I was just curious how faster it is than my home P90).
But the problem is I can start quake just once and it
works fine. If I quit it and try again, it gives segfault
after : "writable code at ####" where #### is some address.
If I purge xquake and reinstall it, I can again start
it once. I didn't try to purge and reinstall quake-lib,
because it takes long to download it with modem. Could
anybody give me an idea about why this segfault happens?



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