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mysterious message at boot from /etc/init.d/sysklogd

For a short while now i've been getting an odd message at boot time. I updated
several packages recently; i don't know which of them might have changed
something relevant. It could have been bash, syslogd, or even dpkg (what's
start-stop-daemon doing there anyways?).

In any case it doesn't seem to cause any negative effects but i can't find the
string "Interrupt" in either the bash binary or the start-stop-daemon binary
so i'm a little confused about where the message is coming from.

# /etc/init.d/sysklogd start
Starting /sbin/syslogd...
/etc/init.d/sysklogd: line 38:   200 Interrupt               start-stop-daemon
--start --verbose --exec /sbin/syslogd $SYSLOGD
Starting /sbin/klogd...

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