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Re: dselect woes

> I figure OK, the machine does not like my cdrom drive.  Why not try the
> insmod driver thing.
> So I type "insmod /dev/cdrom"

Actually, insmod means "add a driver to the kernel".  (Okay, it means
"load a module", but let's not get technical.)  For instance, to use
my CD-ROM, I have to type

	insmod sbpcd

The sbpcd is "SoundBlaster Proprietary CD".  If your CD-ROM is not IDE
or SCSI, you'll need either a custom-compiled kernel or a module (and
module-aware kernel) to use it.

Why not post to the list what model CD-ROM you have?
Carl Fink		carlf@dm.net
Manager, Dueling Modems Computer Forum

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