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Re: baskspace and delete keys under XFree86?

Paul Miller wrote:

> What is the deal with my delete key acting as a backspace key under X?
> How can I fix this.  According the the Netscape help page I should try the
> xkeycaps or xloadkeys program... and not to use the *XmText*translations..
> xkeycaps reports that my BS and DEL keys are correct.. but they don't work
> correctly in any programs under X....

First, use xev to check that the keys generate the correct keysyms.

If they do, then you will need to use resources to configure various

Some of the resources that I use are:

*Text.translations:		#override \
				~Shift ~Meta <Key>BackSpace:	delete-previous-character() \n\
				~Shift ~Meta <Key>Delete:	delete-next-character() \n\
				~Shift  Meta <Key>BackSpace:	delete-previous-word() \n\
				~Shift  Meta <Key>Delete:	delete-next-word() \n\
				 Shift  Meta <Key>BackSpace:	backward-kill-word() \n\
				 Shift  Meta <Key>Delete:	kill-word()
*XmText.translations:		#override \
				~a <Key>osfBackSpace:	delete-previous-character() \n\
				~a <Key>osfDelete:	delete-next-character() \n\
				a <Key>osfBackSpace:	delete-previous-word() \n\
				a <Key>osfDelete:	delete-next-word() \n
*XmTextField.translations:	#override \
				~a <Key>osfBackSpace:	delete-previous-character() \n\
				~a <Key>osfDelete:	delete-next-character() \n\
				a <Key>osfBackSpace:	delete-previous-word() \n\
				a <Key>osfDelete:	delete-next-word() \n
XTerm*VT100.Translations:	#override \
				<Key>BackSpace:	string(0x7F)\n\
				<Key>Delete:	string(0x1b) string("[3~")\n

Glynn Clements <glynn@sensei.co.uk>

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