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Re: Laptop for Linux Debian

>>>>> "dale" == Dale Martin <dmartin@ececs.uc.edu> writes:
    > David M <davidm@harmonic.gse.rmit.EDU.AU> writes:

    >> If one were to buy a laptop these days what would be a
    >> good brand that is widely supported by Linux (Debian)?

    > As someone else mentioned, I had to install off of CD in
    > order to get PCMCIA support, to get network support.  But
    > the CD only cost $10, or whatever, so it's not too big of a
    > deal in my mind.

On the other hand, a cdrom on a laptop costs a lot more than $10.

I've installed Debian 1.3 on my laptop using pcmcia and ftp (via
ethernet) with no problems.  You'll need to install the pcmcia
package(s) before you can do that.  This was simple to do with a
floppy - not much different than the base floppy install. 

I have some notes detailing the installation on a laptop at
They deal with Debian 1.2, but I have Debian 1.3 laptop
installation notes that I keep meaning to type up.  I'll do that


Michael A. Miller                              miller5@uiuc.edu
  Nuclear Physics Lab, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
  PGP public key available on request

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