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Re: Laptop for Linux Debian


Be aware that ftp installation on a laptop is still a problem
with Debian.

We have Debian installed on three laptops, named and  nonamed
ones. Its working fine.

However, if you do not have a Debian CD, you will have trouble.

The installation disks do not allow you to directly enable 
PCMCIA support. So you have to install additional network 
and pcmcia packages with the help of another ftp-able
machine. To our experience the pcmcia packages is not 
consistend with the rest of the debian distributuion, so
you have to compile it by yourself, meaning you have to install
some source packages by yourself.
Again, it works but you have to work a lot.
We do not understand why the PCMCIA packages is inconsistent
with the rest of the distribution. Maybe the maintainers just
don't have this configuration: laptop with PCMCIA ethernet cards.
We do not want to blame anybody, the whole thing escpecially the
PCMCIA package by David Hinds is great work!
Just to make clear what the current situation is.

Markus Diesmann
Neurobiology and Biophysics

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