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On Tue, 12 Aug 1997, Doctor Sanity wrote:

> Hello Debians,
>         I was wondering if anyone could possibly give me any information
> regarding the WAVE service that is being advertised by Roger.  I've read a
> while back about several people who were on the list, and I was wondering if
> they could tell me their experience and impressions about it.
> Leandro+

Hi Leandro,
Well, I've just received my first bill from Rogers for wave access,
(ouch....) and overall, I am quite happy.  The ethernet card you'll get is
either an SMC Ultra EZ, (supported by kernel), or a 3com,
also supported by the kernel.  I was part of a test group, so some guy
came out and installed the card, but, it recognized first try in win95 for
him, and I just wrote down irq, and stuff for later. ;-)  Don't even
bother mentioning Linux to them, they don't support/understand real
operating systems.  

I was assigned a permanent IP, so configuration is really quite simple.
If you promise not to narc on me, I'll also let you know that I have my
linux box acting as a ip forwarding/masquerading server for a win95
machine here which I bought to play with.  The next stable kernel should
allow Internet quake from behind the masq.  They frown on using Wave as
anything else but a single machine access point.

My modem is a Zenith, which I'm told does 500k both ways.  So a 1/3 of a
T1.  Of course this is a shared pipe, so you might be concerned about
people sniffing packets and such.  Not to mention that if they oversell,
that super quick cable modem will be wasted.  So far though, I'm happy.

Mail is reliable, news is ok, browsing is actually fun again, and quake,
just rocks.....I saw a ping in the quake console, (I know, I just offer
the number to compare) today of 68.  My 28.8 modem averaged around 250+
often much worse depending on the server of course.

Take it for what is worth, I'm sure if you look hard enough you could find
someone who has a beef with Wave, but I have no complaints. They've been
just as reliable as any ISP I've had, and the speed....well.  The last
kernel I grabbed from sunsite topped the little netscape meter at 34k/s,
so easily ten times faster than my modem.  No more letting dselect run
over night for me...just a couple of hours.

Rich Morin

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