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On Tue, 12 Aug 1997, Doctor Sanity wrote:

> Hello Debians,
>         I was wondering if anyone could possibly give me any information
> regarding the WAVE service that is being advertised by Roger.  I've read a
> while back about several people who were on the list, and I was wondering if
> they could tell me their experience and impressions about it.
>         Please don't just tell me to look at the website
> (http://www.wave.ca).  I am interested in first hand experiences.
> Installing the modem, how it works, how it works with Linux, etc.

I never had the experience of installing the hardware as I recently put
debian on a win95 machine that already used the WAVE. Anyway, install the
debian dhcpcd package (the client - the server is dhcpd) and whammo. It
figured everything out and I was connected. Incredible speed compared to a
phone line (although the incoming speed is much faster than the outgoing).
I really don't what else to say - I had no problems with it. Credit should
be given to the dhcpcd maintainer. Cheers.

	  Colin R. Telmer, Institute of Intergovernmental Relations
	    School of Policy Studies Building, Queen's University
		     Kingston, Ontario, Canada, K7L-3N6
	      (613)545-6000x4219   telmerco@qed.econ.queensu.ca
	   PGP Public Key at <URL:http://terrapin.econ.queensu.ca>

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