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Problems with installation of gnuplot and Xgraph

I ran dpkg on gnuplot and everything seems to go on smoothly but
unfortunately it does not run. It says it cannot load a library
'libvga.so.1'. I have searched for a library with this name but I did not
find any. 

Any help is appreciated.

Second does any one know what command-line program I can use to plot 2D
files? xgraph is my favorite program but it seems like no-one is updating
it and has a bug if the first column has a 0 point in it. This is seems to
be a problem on linux but not on the Suns. Xarchie finds all the xgraph
for FreeBsd and none for linux.

D.J. Mashao,                         mashaodj@sunserver.engin.brown.edu

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