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Re: "who" is guilty - "named" is not!!!


Eloy A. Paris <eparis@ven.ra.rockwell.com> wrote:

: datagram from [].1052, fd 21, len 34; now Tue Aug 12 18:00:40 1997
: req: nlookup(slip1.ven.ra.roc) id 58540 type=1 class=1
: req: found 'slip1.ven.ra.roc' as 'slip1.ven.ra.roc' (cname=0)
: ns_req: answer -> [].1052 fd=21 id=58540 size=107 Local

: Do you see how "who" tries to find what's the IP address of slip1.ven.ra.roc?
: named returns cname=0 that means that it didn't find anything. Then
: the resolver gethostbyname() function tries appending the local
: domain so it queries the name server with slip1.ven.ra.roc.ven.ra.rockwell.com
: which is also invalid (another cname=0 is returned.)

My mistake: cname=0 does not mean that the query did not return a valid
host name, it means that the result is not a cname (a nickname) of
the given host.

Any way, everything else applies and named is not finding a valid
host name...



Eloy A. Paris
Information Technology Department
Rockwell Automation de Venezuela
Telephone: +58-2-9432311 Fax: +58-2-9430323

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