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Re: heard all the who-haha?

On Tue, 12 Aug 1997, Brandon Mitchell wrote:

> On Tue, 12 Aug 1997, Kevin Traas wrote:
> > Is this lookup necessary?  Is there a way to disable it?
> Try commenting out the PARANOID:ALL from /etc/hosts.deny (this is from 
> memory, so there may be typos).  I'm guessing the dns info is cached(sp?) 
> somewhere after a ping resulting your reported behavior.  The paranoid 
> setting requires that the users name matches their ip or something like 
> that.  In a nutshell, it's a security feature.
I'd be interested in knowing if the ping takes a long time or fails. I do
think that the DNS would be cached from the ping speeding up DNS for the
telnet, but the ping should then experience all the problems.

If not, why is resolver responce times different for different
applications? Is it possible that reverse lookups are slow, forward
lookups fast, and a cached forward lookup entry can be used for a
reverse lookup? Is the ping somehow causing a forward lookup first, but
the telnet causing a reverse lookup first?

grasping at straws...


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