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.deb file corruption?

OK.  Does anyone know the answer to this:

When I download debian package files onto my PowerMac and try to
transfer them via PC-formatted floppy to my Linux box, the files are
showing up under linux all starting with "!" (i.e.
"kernel-package_3.28.deb" becomes "!kernal-package_3.28") and I can't
seem to cp them (the cp command gives me a "can't find action
'!<whatever file>").

What's going on?  This seems to happen whether I download the files as
binary or text files.

BTW, I can't get the Linux box connected via Ethernet (no drivers) or
modem (can't seem to find modem, and can't transfer any communications
programs like minicom to the Linux box to test for the modem).

Dave Neuer

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