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Re: [DPKG] Integrity checking?

On Fri, 08 Aug 1997 09:15:06 BST "Magossa'nyi A'rpa'd" 
(mag@bunuel.tii.matav.hu) wrote:

> Is dpkg can do integrity checking based on the MD5 hashes it uses?
> Our machine has been cracked, and we want to know which binaries have been
> compromised.

There are per-package md5 sums to check the integrity of the .deb you download, but not per-file sums.
What you can do is 
	dpkg -iGROB <path to the binary directory of the distribution>
	dpkg -iGROB /cdrom/bo/binary-i386
	dpkg -iGROB /cdrom/contrib/binary-i386

This will reinstall all currently installed packages. This will have the side effect of reconfiguring everything...
If course, you'll have to check for
	1) binaries in /usr/local
	2) other binaries.

I'd suggest:
 o Removing ALL setuid bits in your system 
	find / -perm +6000 | xargs chmod ug-s
     or chmod -R ug-s /
   (This might leave your system unusable except for root)
 o Check for all device files and remove the ones which are not in /dev
	find / -name /dev -prune -o ( -type b -o -type c ) -print | xargs rm
	Look for permissions for /dev/* and eventually fix them...
 o Do the dpkg -iGROB thing, which will resume correct setuidness.

This should give you a fairly secure system.
Disclaimer: Of course, this is just my advice, and you might destroy your system doing this...


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