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Wrong "From:" name

Hello All,

Finally got fetching and sending eMail working using the following
Debian packages:  exmh, fetchmail, mh, metamail, mime-support and smail.

There is only one problem:  the "From:" part of the eMail header shows
"vtorrico@zippy.gorp.net" which is incorrect.  It should read
"vtorrico@cfw.com".  zippy is my host name and it and zippy.gorp.net are
in the /etc/hosts file.

Am running intermittant dialup ppp to an ISP who uses pop3 and dynamic
addressing.  Am not on a local network except for localhost and

What must be changed and in which programs to make "From:" read



PS.  Using Netscape to send this message so the list processor can
respond correctly.

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