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Re: Best mode for uucp over tcp.

The Linux Network Administrator's Guide explains how to set up UUCP over
TCP.  It is actually EASIER than UUCP over dialup.  If you have dynamic
IP, it is a very GOOD way to send mail. The BEST way of doing it would be
to use smail at both ends of the link as you can use the uusmtp transport
and there would be no bang paths in the email.  If you use sendmail at
either end, you are going to end up with a lot of remote sites rejecting
your mail. This is particularly true of qmail which seems to reject anything 
with a bang path in any header.

The very best method is to use some form of batched smtp over uucp.

I have a mail relay host (not the machine that I am now writing from) that
is set up to do exactly this ... perform as an MX host for sites using
UUCP over TCP/IP. 

On Wed, 6 Aug 1997, Victor Torrico wrote:

> Hello,
> I'm running a ppp dialup to an ISP who uses pop3 and dynamic
> addressing.  This is my only access to the net.  I have no local net.
> Is it to my advantage to run uucp over tcp/ip?
> I'm having all kinds of problems setting up mail.  I'm using the exim,
> exmh, fetchmail, mh, metamail and mime-support packages.
> How would I set up for uucp?
> Please point me to any docs or info.
> Regards,
> Victor

George Bonser
Why is it that the same people that tell us that manned space flight
is a waste of money also tell us that we have been visited by aliens?

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