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Re: 3c503 Network card: Shared Memory??

Johnny Stevenson wrote:
> Hello,
> I have a 3c503 Network card from 3Com which reports at boot time:
> I have read that this is what I should do for this card, but have no
> idea of how to go about this, or even where to start looking.
> Is there a Howto, or does someone out there know the answer.

It suggests it since it will make your 3c503 run faster--with shared
mem Linux can run the card "at capacity", able to send back-to-back
packets. In order to do it you'll have to open up your computer, most
likely remove the card, and move one of those little jumbers which 
will enable this mode. If you don't have the manual for the card I
can look at mine when I get home. Let me know.

Jens B. Jorgensen

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