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Re: QPopper Problem


Here's an excerpt from RFC 1734:

------ BEGIN -----

2. The AUTH command

AUTH mechanism

[ ...stuff deleted ...]

Restrictions: may only be given in the AUTHORIZATION state

Discussion: The AUTH command indicates an authentication mechanism to the
server. If the server supports the requested authentication mechanism, it
performs an authentication protocol exchange to authenticate and identify
the user. Optionally, it also negotiates a protection mechanism for
subsequent protocol interactions. If the requested authentication mechanism
is not supported, the server

[ ...stuff deleted ...]

The server is not required to support any particular authentication
mechanism, nor are authentication mechanisms required to support any
protection mechanisms. If an AUTH command fails with a negative response,
the session remains in the AUTHORIZATION state and client may try another
authentication mechanism by issuing another AUTH command, or may attempt to
authenticate by using the USER/PASS or APOP commands. In other words, the
client may request authentication types in decreasing order of preference,
with the USER/PASS or APOP command as a last resort.

Should the client successfully complete the authentication exchange, the
POP3 server issues a positive response and the POP3 session enters the

------ END -----

So it would seem that your POP client supports the AUTH mechanism and is
"testing" to see if the server supports it (which it doesn't according to
the log messages).


should reject the AUTH command by sending a negative response.
> From: Kevin Traas <ktraas@uniserve.com>
> To: debian-user@lists.debian.org
> Subject: QPopper Problem
> Date: Wednesday, July 30, 1997 6:14 PM
> I'm using QPopper on my Linux box.  No problems there.  However, I'm
> the following in my /var/log/messages file:
> Jul 30 14:22:17 inetgw in.qpopper[28372]: @training2: -ERR Unknown
> "auth".
> inetgw is the name of my Linux box.
> training2 is the name of the system running the POP client.
> Things seem to be working okay; however, the message is a little
> disconcerting.
> Any ideas?
> Kevin Traas   Baan Business Systems
> Systems Analyst  Langley, BC, Canada
> Kevin@Baan-BBS.CA  (604) 882-8169
> --
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