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dselect wigged out and everything's seg-faulting!

I just tried to updrade my system from the stable and unstable
directories. It downloaded a whole mess of things (about half of them
seemed to be libraries). Anyway, it began installing them and, starting
with about the third or fourth package, it starts seg-faulting in all of
the pre-inst scripts!

One odd thing is that there were tons of conflict/dependency problems when
I first updated the available packages list. netstd required libreadline2,
and libreadline2 required libc5, I think. But libc5 conflicted with lib6,
which was required by gcc, which was required by kernel-source. There was
a big mess with libc5-dev, libc6-dev, and libc5-altdev, too. I kept trying
to make things work out and, all of a sudden, it just stopped complaining
and took me back to the menu. I was really suspicious of this since I was
pretty sure that I had not resolved all of the conflicts that it had
originally complained about.


Apache seems to still be running, and I can ftp INto the machine. But the
following programs are seg-faulting:
  su (probably when it tries to run bash)
  telnetting in closes the connection once I log in (again, due to bash?)

Going into dselect, I can select (I)nstall, but it will segfault (probably
when it tries to run a shell script. At this point, I'd like to motion
that the Debian policy be changed so that the shell pointed to by /bin/sh
be compiled with *static* libraries?). If I go to the (S)elect screen, I
get the following (note that it asks for ldso to be reinstalled... which
can't be a good thing): 

      ----- Broken Required packages -----
      ------- Broken Required packages in section base -------
  RC** Req base     ldso         1.9.2-3     1.9.4-1     
   U** Req base     libc5        5.4.33-5    5.4.33-5    The Linux C
   U** Req base     libreadline2 2.1-2.1     2.1-2.1     GNU readline and
   U** Req base     libreadlineg 2.1-2.1     2.1-2.1     GNU readline and
  RI** Req base     makedev      1.6-13      1.6-14      Creates special
  RC** Req base     modutils     2.1.34-6    2.1.34-7    Linux module
   C** Req base     ncurses3.0   1.9.9e-2    1.9.9e-2    Old libc5 curses
   C** Req base     ncurses3.4   1.9.9g-3    1.9.9g-3    Video terminal
      ----- Broken Standard packages -----
      ------- Broken Standard packages in section admin -------
   C** Std admin    ncurses-term 1.9.9g-3    1.9.9g-3    Video terminal
      ------- Broken Standard packages in section base -------
   U** Std base     libgdbm1     1.7.3-22    1.7.3-22    GNU dbm database
      ------- Broken Standard packages in section devel -------
  RC** Std devel    gcc   The GNU C
   U** Std devel    libc5-altdev 5.4.33-5    5.4.33-5    The Linux C
   C-- Std devel    libg++27-dev   The GNU C++
  RI** Std devel    libg++272-db   The GNU C++

Any help would be appreciated!

- Joe

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