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unstable and/or 2.1.xx kernels


I need to use some spiffy timing patches from:


in order to increase the temporal granularity of our linux
system.  (We are running some hardware and would like to
improve the real-time characteristics a bit.)

These patches are against kernel 2.1.43 so I'll have to try
out the unstable kernels.  I checked out the stuff on:


and it looks like I will have to use packages out of
the "debian/unstable" tree so I need some advice.  
I'll be doing this on a non-critical computer so I can 
take some risks.

Should I just upgrade the 5-6 packages needed for the new
kernel?  Or should I just point dselect at the unstable
tree and upgrade everything?  What pitfalls should I expect
with the unstable tree?



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