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Re: naming convention question

Well since this seems to be such a "hot topic" ;) I felt I should give my

Well here it goes

	I think the current naming convention is fine. :-)  

Of course the symlinks *have* to be there to make things clear to everyone. 
And despite not being a developer I still love to know what is happening
in the future releases and hence I would not like it to be "top secret".

Well that's *my* opinion on the subject...

Maybe, and for those who might be confused by the namings a README file 
that addresses this should be in place at the sites (well maybe it is 
already I don't know...)



PS. One further note... I would really prefer Web browsers such as
Netscape to actually tell you where Symlinks point to (knowing it points
to "bo" does help not wondering what is in "bo" or what is it for).  But
this is for Netscape to solve/improve... 

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