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Re: Enlightenment WM

Shaleh hat gesagt: // Shaleh wrote: (shaleh@livenet.net):

> Who uses this WM and how well does it work?  I just read the owner's
> page and buzz sheet but I want to hear it from the users.  Does it work
> as fast/well/smoothly as fvwm, twm or some other WM manager?  I guess I
> am asking for a general survey of who uses what and how well they like
> it.

Currently I have installed the most recent version of "E" on my AMD 5x86
(that's a 486) with 133 MHz and 16 MB RAM. I must say, that I still use
fvwm2 for daily work because E is very slow with my hardware. Running the
squid-proxy, netscape and stuff at the same time slows my system to a near
On the other hand, E has become quite stable. And this WM is not about
performance, I think. It's about being the "kewlest" window manager around
and it meets this goal like nothing else. 
I don't work with it, but I look at it. Maybe that's not what one should do  
with a WM, but who carez. 
E is the one reason for me to buy a faster machine. Intels price drop is
the other...


				Frank Barknecht


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