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Re: One last thing before I pass out`

In a message to me, Brian K Servis, you wrote:
|"Daniel Laffin writes:
|">After su'ing in an xterm and trying to run any x app i get this.  I tried
|">"xhosts -", but it still gives me this.  *scratches his head*  Sleep
|">now--thanks.  =)
|">apollyon:/# xterm
|">Xlib: connection to ":0.0" refused by server
|">Xlib: Invalid MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1 key
|">Error: Can't open display: :0.0
|">Exit 1
|"You need to set the DISPLAY env variable to :0.0 once you are root.

Nope. In this case, he should have done a "xhost +", not a "xhost -".
- denies access, + allows it. The XAUTH* solution mailed earlier is a
better one, though.

>>>                     Ronald van Loon (ronald@and.nl)                   <<<
I hold your hand in mine, dear / I press it to my lips. I take a 
healthy bite from your dainty fingertips. My joy would be complete, dear, 
if you were only here, But still I keep your hand as a precious souvenir.

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