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(Offtopic)RE: Bruce interviewed in "Wired Magazine Online"

Hi all,

Thanks Bruce for this information. Checking out i2o's website and reading 
which companys(especially companies with OS) that are members, I didn't see
Apple or IBM on the list, which seem strange to me. In there FAQ, they mention
unix vendor SCO as a member, but isn't SCO is partly owned by MicroSoft? And
other companies on the list tends to be in the Windows* world or have
relationships with MicroSoft or Intel, didn't see either AMD or Cyrix. Way the
business model of i2o is setup, it is targeted at freesoftware community, who
can't afford the membership costs.:( Is there any other competing standards?


On 21-Jul-97 Bruce Perens wrote:
  http://www.wired.com/news/news/technology/story/5343.html contains
  an interview with me on the subject of the i2o bus specification and
  the problems their non-disclosure-agreement poses for the free software
  At the end of the article is a URL where you can get the current draft
  of the i2o bus specification anonymously:
  ftp://ftp.i2osig.org/ver1-5.pdf . The i2o consortium has not yet announced
  why a document that required non-disclosure was left on their own anonymous
  FTP site. As long as the i2o consortium continues to make current versions
  of their documents available for anonymous FTP, I don't have any complaint
  about them. I'd suggest that people download the document now, just in case
  they change their mind!
        Bruce Perens
        Debian Project Leader
  Bruce Perens K6BP   bruce@pixar.com   510-215-3502
  Finger bruce@master.debian.org for PGP public key.
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