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FW: chmod u+s

Hello all,
I have a questions that I can not seem to find the answer to.  I have set up
a linux box as a ppp server and a mail server.  I have installed smail and qpopper.  Both
are working quite well.  I can finally use MS exchange client and Pegasus mail to get mail
off my server.
I do have one major problem.  I have been trying to set up a ppp server.  I have done it in the
past using mgetty and AutoPPP.  Unfortunately, when I chmod u+s /usr/sbin/pppd, no error message
is generated.  However, if I try and run it without being root, I get an error message.  Do I need to
add a su or suid package to make it work.  Su works on my machine.  Is chmod broken or do I not
know what I am doing?  (I probably don't know what I am doing)
Another question.  Has any body used apsfilter, mgetty, diald as decribed by J Pollman (listed a a new link on LDP,
A Home Server with Linux.  This set up would be perfect for my home network.  I have static ip numbers.  Debian
does this differently than Slackware and Redhat.

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