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Very weird X experience...

Hi all,

just had/am having a very weird experience in X;
it just spawned a new server at VT8... while the old one at VT hanged
If I switch to VT7 from the xdm login screen I see the top of my desktop
and the rest is a static picture of xdm login screen (I run xlock
-nolock -mode star in the login screen...)

When swiching to VT7 while logged in on VT8 I get a static picture
(no mouse, no keyboard except VT switching and presumably threefinger
salute) of the current desktop from VT8 with short green vertical lines
at the top...

Hmmm, just saw that _all_the VT's (F1-F7) do the same thing...

Debian 1.2.4 (apprx), XFree3.2, Mach64 card, fvwm2.0.45

This happened while I was surfing to http://CNN.passagen.se
using Netscape 3.01...

Anyone with any clues or hints to what this might be about?

Will do another test wit hnetscape and that site as soon as I get
ths mail on the way...

/Michael - highly surprised...
|                Linux: Turn on...Tune in...Fork out...                 |
|    Michael Tempsch, member of Ballistic Wizards, TIP#088, POG#130     |
| d1temp@dtek.chalmers.se | [d1temp@bigfoot.com] | [d1temp@hotmail.com] |
|  Cell.Phone:+46 705487554  URL:http://www.dtek.chalmers.se/%7Ed1temp  |

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