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Dialup server setup HOWTO?

Stupid question:  I know there's a HOWTO or something for this, but it's
Friday and I'm brain dead.  I have a 486 with an Equinox card and
some RealHighTech Prac modems.  The modems work, the multiport card
works, as I can dialout.  Now I want to dialin and do proxy ARP and
all that good stuff.  What do I need to read to accomplish this?

  Nathan Norman    :    Hostmaster CFNI    :    nnorman@cfni.com
    finger nnorman@cfni.com for PGP public key and other stuff
Key fingerprint = CE 03 10 AF 32 81 18 58  9D 32 C2 AB 93 6D C4 72

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