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MS-DOS CR & directory/file timestamping

Hello all ,

	I have a network of users here running NT and these users write various
files out to a Debian box running Samba. These files are then served up
by an appache web server running on the same Debian machine.


	1) I need to remove the ^m found at the end of each file that is
created by those rotten NT users. If in vi I issue a "%s/^M//g I do
remove the ^m but the file system is becoming too large to do this by
	Can someone please assist me with a script that will enter the         
/var/www tree and search all *html files and then run a (sed         
script ?) that would do this for me without any user         
interaction. (I would run this process probably once a night
in        			 	a cron job.)

	I thought maybe this process would look something like:
        " find /var/www -name "*html" -ls | awk '{print $11}' " so
this         would generate a list of my files that need to be opperated
on,         but I dont know  enough to complete the equation. Any
assitance         greatly appreciated here... Thanx in advance...

	2) I also need to traverse the same /var/www directory and timestamp
all files contained in it (regardless of file type). The complete
/var/www directory actually gets archived for audit control. each file
needs to be timestamped with the current time/date before its archival.
Again I invision a find script doing this for me but I'm open to other
suggestions on both of my issues described.

All help greatly appreciated...

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