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"ALT" key doesn't work in X, affecting emacs especially.

The ALT key in X11 isn't working right.  I have just installed XFree86, the
SVGA server for the Matrox Millenium (4MB WRAM), and I am not sure what I
did or didn't do, or could have done to make this key work right.  Is it the
Keyboard setup in the installation of the Debian system?  Is it xterm?  Is
it the server?  Is it the way I set things up?  I uncommented a line in
/etc/X11/XF86Config making Left ALT a meta key---i made no difference.

Can someone lend a clue?

 Alan Eugene Davis      Marianas High School      15o 8.8'N       GMT+10        
 adavis@saipan.com      AAA 196 Box 10,001        145o 42.5'E             
 Voice: (670) 235-6580  Saipan, MP  96950                        
                        Northern Mariana Islands       


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