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Re: major PPP packet loss

> Well, after several more hours of tinkering, I'm tracking down my 
> problem.  I changed the USR factory settings on my modem.  My 
> connection would still crash out.  So I let a ping session run for an 
> hour to see what happened.  Here is a sample of the results:
> round-trip min/avg/max = 210.0/361609.2/2969940.0 ms
> So my connection isn't dropping completely.  I'm just losing an 
> insane amount of packets.  Any suggestions?

   If all else fails, try upgrading the ROM in your modem. I haven't been
following this thread, but just recently I put in a new ROM for my
Sportster 28.8 (which now makes it a full 33.6 FWIW). In doing so, it did
actually increase the stability of me connection (ie., quakeworld runs
better, longer ;)
    Of course, this may not apply if you already have a newer modem. I
wasn't paying attention very well ;)


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