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Dselect timeout during FTP install.

     I just set up a new machine with 1.3 and am having a bit of a 
problem.  Once the base was installed I went to do an FTP install of 
the rest of the sustem.  When I go to do anything that requites 
attaching to an ftp server the thing times out.  We have just gotten 
our new class C and don't have control of the reverse lookups yet on 
the DNS so it's giving me fits other places too.  The odd part is 
that I tried to ftp the .deb files so that I could do a few things 
manually using dpkg but I can only ger around 1400 bytes before the 
FTP dies of old age.  This happend using ftp.debian.org, 
ftp.crosslink.net and ftp.caldera.com.  I even had to FTP the install 
floppies using netscape on windows.  Any ideas would be helpfull.

 Chris Brown       cbrown@seitz.com         !!! HELP FIGHT SPAM !!!

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