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Networking and talk

Does anyone know how to configure networking so that local "talk" 
works without breaking the overall configuration?

My previous Slackware /etc/hosts always came with a warning:

# By the way, Arnt Gulbrandsen <agulbra@nvg.unit.no> says that
# should NEVER be named with the name of the machine.  It causes problems
# for some (stupid) programs, irc and reputedly talk. :^)

This warning is lacking from Debian, but it doesn't commit the error.

In my experience, however, I've always had to name the loopback with the name of the machine to get talk to work!!!  
I might add that I only use talk on the local machine between 
user accounts.  

In the past this was never a problem, since I only worked over 
modems, now I've got an ethernet card on a desktop, and use both 
PLIP and PPP over a modem on my laptop.  I find it absurd to 
constantly be adjusting the /etc/hosts to get one or the other.  

Given my distance from the continent I called home, "talk" is the 
best means of personal communication I know.  


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